path: root/scripts/hostclass/smtp_server
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'scripts/hostclass/smtp_server')
2 files changed, 190 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/hostclass/smtp_server/10-rspamd b/scripts/hostclass/smtp_server/10-rspamd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d104e9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/hostclass/smtp_server/10-rspamd
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+: ${rspamd_processes:="$nproc"}
+: ${rspamd_dkim_selector:='dkim'}
+: ${rspamd_domain_whitelist:=''}
+: ${rspamd_port:='11334'}
+: ${rspamd_redis_maxmemory:='1g'}
+: ${postfix_virtual_domains:="$email_domain"}
+pkg install -y \
+ postfix \
+ redis \
+ rspamd \
+ nginx
+# Create ZFS dataset for Redis DBs.
+create_dataset -o "mountpoint=${redis_data_dir}" "${state_dataset}/redis"
+# Generate config files for redis instances.
+install_template -m 0644 \
+ /usr/local/etc/redis-rspamd.conf \
+ /usr/local/etc/redis-rspamd-bayes.conf
+# Create data directories for each redis instance.
+install_directory -o "$redis_user" -m 0700 \
+ "$rspamd_redis_data_dir" \
+ "$rspamd_bayes_redis_data_dir"
+# Enable and start redis instances.
+sysrc -v \
+ redis_enable=YES \
+ redis_profiles='rspamd rspamd-bayes'
+service redis restart
+# Copy rspamd config files.
+install_directory -m 0755 \
+ "${rspamd_conf_dir}/local.d" \
+ "${rspamd_conf_dir}/local.d/maps.d"
+install_directory -m 0750 -g "$rspamd_user" "${rspamd_data_dir}/dkim"
+install_file -m 0640 -g "$rspamd_user" \
+ "${rspamd_conf_dir}/local.d/logging.inc" \
+ "${rspamd_conf_dir}/local.d/multimap.conf" \
+ "${rspamd_conf_dir}/local.d/phishing.conf" \
+ "${rspamd_conf_dir}/local.d/replies.conf" \
+ "${rspamd_conf_dir}/local.d/worker-normal.inc"
+rspamd_ro_password_hash=$(rspamadm pw -p "$rspamd_ro_password")
+rspamd_rw_password_hash=$(rspamadm pw -p "$rspamd_rw_password")
+install_template -m 0640 -g "$rspamd_user" \
+ "${rspamd_conf_dir}/local.d/classifier-bayes.conf" \
+ "${rspamd_conf_dir}/local.d/dkim_signing.conf" \
+ "${rspamd_conf_dir}/local.d/redis.conf" \
+ "${rspamd_conf_dir}/local.d/worker-controller.inc" \
+ "${rspamd_conf_dir}/local.d/worker-proxy.inc"
+printf '%s\n' ${rspamd_domain_whitelist} | tee "${rspamd_conf_dir}/local.d/maps.d/domain-whitelist.map"
+# Copy DKIM keys.
+for domain in $postfix_virtual_domains; do
+ install_file -m 0640 -g "$rspamd_user" "${rspamd_data_dir}/dkim/${domain}.key"
+# Add rspamd user to redis group, so it can write to the redis unix socket.
+pw groupmod "$redis_user" -m "$rspamd_user"
+# Generate nginx configuration.
+install_template -m 0644 \
+ /usr/local/etc/nginx/nginx.conf \
+ /usr/local/etc/nginx/acme.conf \
+ /usr/local/etc/nginx/vhosts.conf
+# Copy TLS certificate for nginx.
+install_certificate nginx "$rspamd_tls_cert"
+install_certificate_key nginx "$rspamd_tls_key"
+# Enable and start rspamd and nginx.
+sysrc -v \
+ rspamd_enable=YES \
+ nginx_enable=YES
+# The rspamd rc script seems to hold onto open descriptors, which causes
+# the parent boxconf SSH process to never close.
+service rspamd restart > /dev/null 2>&1 < /dev/null
+service nginx restart
diff --git a/scripts/hostclass/smtp_server/20-postfix b/scripts/hostclass/smtp_server/20-postfix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6f891da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/hostclass/smtp_server/20-postfix
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+: ${postfix_public_fqdn:="$fqdn"}
+: ${postfix_myorigin:="$email_domain"}
+: ${postfix_mynetworks:=''}
+: ${postfix_recipient_delimiter:='+'}
+: ${postfix_message_size_limit:='67108864'} # 64 MB
+: ${postfix_virtual_domains:="$email_domain"}
+: ${postfix_lmtp_port:='24'}
+: ${postfix_quota_port:='10993'}
+: ${imap_host='imap'}
+: ${lmtp_port='25'}
+: ${quota_status_port='10993'}
+# Install packages.
+pkg install -y \
+ postfix \
+ cyrus-sasl-saslauthd
+# Create SMTP service principal and keytab.
+add_principal -nokey -x "containerdn=${services_basedn}" "smtp/${fqdn}"
+ktadd -k "$postfix_keytab" "smtp/${fqdn}"
+chgrp "$postfix_user" "$postfix_keytab"
+chmod 640 "$postfix_keytab"
+postfix_uid=$(id -u "$postfix_user")
+install_directory -o "$postfix_user" -m 0700 "/var/krb5/user/${postfix_uid}"
+ln -snfv "$postfix_keytab" "/var/krb5/user/${postfix_uid}/keytab"
+ln -snfv "$postfix_keytab" "/var/krb5/user/${postfix_uid}/client.keytab"
+# Generate postfix configuration.
+install_template -m 0644 \
+ "${postfix_conf_dir}/main.cf" \
+ "${postfix_conf_dir}/virtual_mailboxes.cf" \
+ "${postfix_conf_dir}/virtual_aliases.cf" \
+ /usr/local/lib/sasl2/smtpd.conf
+install_file -m 0644 "${postfix_conf_dir}/master.cf"
+# Allow postfix to read the saslauthd socket.
+install_directory -m 0750 -o "$saslauthd_user" -g "$postfix_user" "$saslauthd_runtime_dir"
+# Copy internal TLS certificate.
+install_certificate -m 0644 -o root -g "$postfix_user" postfix "$postfix_local_tls_cert"
+install_certificate_key -m 0640 -o root -g "$postfix_user" postfix "$postfix_local_tls_key"
+# Generate dhparams.
+[ -f "$postfix_dhparams" ] || openssl dhparam -out "$postfix_dhparams" 2048
+if [ "$postfix_public_fqdn" != "$fqdn" ]; then
+ # Acquire public TLS certificate.
+ install_file /usr/local/etc/sudoers.d/acme
+ get_acme_certificate \
+ -c "$postfix_public_tls_cert" \
+ -k "$postfix_public_tls_key" \
+ -g "$postfix_user" \
+ -r 'sudo service postfix reload' \
+ "$postfix_public_fqdn"
+# Enable and start postfix and saslauthd.
+sysrc -v \
+ saslauthd_flags='-a kerberos5' \
+ saslauthd_enable=YES \
+ postfix_enable=YES
+service saslauthd restart
+service postfix restart
+# Use postfix as the system MTA.
+install_directory -m 0755 /usr/local/etc/mail
+install_file -m 0644 /usr/local/etc/mail/mailer.conf
+# Configure local aliases.
+install_template -m 0644 /etc/aliases