#!/bin/sh _boxconf_ip2dec(){ # helper function for ip_in_subnet while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do echo "$1" | { IFS=./ read -r _bcipd_a _bcipd_b _bcipd_c _bcipd_d _bcipd_e [ -n "$_bcipd_e" ] || _bcipd_e=32 printf '%s %s ' "$((_bcipd_a<<24|_bcipd_b<<16|_bcipd_c<<8|_bcipd_d))" "$((-1<<(32-_bcipd_e)))" } shift done } ip_in_subnet(){ # Check if an IP address is contained within a subnet. # $1 = IPv4 address # $2 = network cidr _boxconf_ip2dec "$1" "$2" | { read -r _bciis_a1 _bciis_m1 _bciis_a2 _bciis_m2 ||: test "$(( (_bciis_a1 & _bciis_m2) == (_bciis_a2 & _bciis_m2) && _bciis_m1 >= _bciis_m2 ))" -eq 1 } } prefix2netmask(){ # Convert a network prefix to its netmask address. # For example, 24 returns '' # $1 = network prefix value _bcp2n_val=$(( 0xffffffff ^ ((1 << (32 - $1)) - 1) )) echo "$(( (_bcp2n_val >> 24) & 0xff )).$(( (_bcp2n_val >> 16) & 0xff )).$(( (_bcp2n_val >> 8) & 0xff )).$(( _bcp2n_val & 0xff ))" } ip2rdns(){ # Convert an IPv4 address to its in-addr.arpa reverse DNS name. # $1 = IPv4 address echo "$1" | awk -F. '{print $4"."$3"."$2"."$1".in-addr.arpa"}' }