#!/bin/sh # UID/GID hiding breaks consolekit and KDE screen locker. see_other_uids=1 # sndiod's control socket lives under /tmp, but sndoid starts *before* /tmp is # cleared out, resulting in the socket being blown away. clear_tmp_enable=false desktop_common_packages=" bind-tools cantarell-fonts chromium droid-fonts-ttf eclipse firefox git gnupg inconsolata-ttf krb5 libreoffice libva-intel-media-driver noto-basic noto-emoji password-store py${python_version}-pip signal-desktop sndio stow terminus-font terminus-ttf tmux tree ubuntu-font v4l-utils v4l_compat webcamd webfonts wireguard-tools xorg" desktop_kde_packages=' dino gajim juk k3b kde5 kid3-qt6 kmix konversation sddm' desktop_i3_packages=' compton dunst dmenu i3 i3lock i3status profanity xfontsel xidle xterm'