Apache ====== Description ----------- The `apache` role installs the Apache webserver, generates common configuration files, and configures the server for GSSAPI authentication (if requested). Variables --------- This role **accepts** the following variables: Variable | Default | Description ---------------------------------|-----------|------------ `apache_use_nfs` | no | Value of the `httpd_use_nfs` SELinux boolean `apache_can_network_relay` | yes | Value of the `httpd_can_network_relay` SELinux boolean `apache_can_network_connect` | no | Value of the `httpd_can_network_connect` SELinux boolean `apache_can_network_connect_db` | no | Value of the `httpd_can_network_connect_db` SELinux boolean `apache_can_connect_ldap` | no | Value of the `httpd_can_connect_ldap` SELinux boolean `apache_can_sendmail` | no | Value of the `httpd_can_sendmail` SELinux boolean `apache_gssapi` | no | Enable FreeIPA authentication in virtualhosts via [https://github.com/gssapi/mod\_auth\_gssapi](https://github.com/gssapi/mod_auth_gssapi) or [mod\_ldap](https://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/mod/mod_ldap.html) `apache_sysaccount_username` | `apache` | FreeIPA [sysaccount](https://www.freeipa.org/page/HowTo/LDAP#System_Accounts) uid to create for LDAP queries `apache_sysaccount_password` |   | FreeIPA [sysaccount](https://www.freeipa.org/page/HowTo/LDAP#System_Accounts) password for LDAP queries This role **exports** the following variables: Variable | Description --------------------|------------ `apache_public_dir` | Path of the webroot directory (`/var/www`) Usage ----- Example playbook: ````yaml - name: configure apache hosts: webservers roles: - role: apache vars: apache_can_network_connect: yes apache_gssapi: yes apache_sysaccount_password: s3cret ````