{% if apache_use_ssl and apache_redirect_to_https %} ServerName {{ apache_server_name }} {% for alias in apache_server_aliases %} ServerAlias {{ alias }} {% endfor %} ErrorLog "logs/{{ apache_server_name }}.error_log" CustomLog "logs/{{ apache_server_name }}.access_log" combined Protocols {% if apache_use_http2 %}h2c {% endif %}http/1.1 RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^\/\.well-known\/acme-challenge\/.*$ RewriteRule (.*) https://%{HTTP_HOST}$1 [R=permanent,L] {% else %} {% if apache_canonical_hostname is defined and (apache_server_aliases | length > 0) %} {% for alias in ([apache_server_name] + apache_server_aliases) | reject('equalto', apache_canonical_hostname) | list %} {% if loop.first %} ServerName {{ alias }} {% else %} ServerAlias {{ alias }} {% endif %} {% endfor %} ErrorLog "logs/{{ apache_server_name }}.error_log" CustomLog "logs/{{ apache_server_name }}.access_log" combined Protocols {% if apache_use_http2 %}h2c {% endif %}http/1.1 RedirectMatch Permanent ^(?!/\.well-known/acme-challenge/).* http://{{ apache_canonical_hostname }}/$0 {% endif %} {% if apache_document_root is defined %} DocumentRoot "{{ apache_document_root }}" {% endif %} {% if apache_canonical_hostname is defined %} ServerName {{ apache_canonical_hostname }} {% else %} ServerName {{ apache_server_name }} {% for alias in apache_server_aliases %} ServerAlias {{ alias }} {% endfor %} {% endif %} ErrorLog "logs/{{ apache_server_name }}.error_log" CustomLog "logs/{{ apache_server_name }}.access_log" combined Protocols {% if apache_use_http2 %}h2c {% endif %}http/1.1 {% if apache_document_root is defined and not apache_config is search('') %} Options +FollowSymLinks AllowOverride None Require all granted {% if apache_autoindex %} Options +Indexes {% endif %} {% endif %} {{ apache_config }} {% endif %} {% if apache_use_ssl %} {% if apache_canonical_hostname is defined and (apache_server_aliases | length > 0) %} {% for alias in ([apache_server_name] + apache_server_aliases) | reject('equalto', apache_canonical_hostname) | list %} {% if loop.first %} ServerName {{ alias }} {% else %} ServerAlias {{ alias }} {% endif %} {% endfor %} ErrorLog "logs/{{ apache_server_name }}.error_log" CustomLog "logs/{{ apache_server_name }}.access_log" combined Protocols {% if apache_use_http2 %}h2 {% endif %}http/1.1 SSLEngine on SSLCertificateFile {{ apache_certificate_path }} SSLCertificateKeyFile {{ apache_certificate_key_path }} Header always set Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=63072000" Redirect permanent / https://{{ apache_canonical_hostname }}/ {% endif %} {% if apache_document_root is defined %} DocumentRoot "{{ apache_document_root }}" {% endif %} {% if apache_canonical_hostname is defined %} ServerName {{ apache_canonical_hostname }} {% else %} ServerName {{ apache_server_name }} {% for alias in apache_server_aliases %} ServerAlias {{ alias }} {% endfor %} {% endif %} ErrorLog "logs/{{ apache_server_name }}.error_log" CustomLog "logs/{{ apache_server_name }}.access_log" combined Protocols {% if apache_use_http2 %}h2 {% endif %}http/1.1 SSLEngine on SSLCertificateFile {{ apache_certificate_path }} SSLCertificateKeyFile {{ apache_certificate_key_path }} Header always set Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=63072000" {% if apache_document_root is defined and not apache_config is search('') %} Options +FollowSymLinks AllowOverride None Require all granted {% if apache_autoindex %} Options +Indexes {% endif %} {% endif %} {{ apache_config }} {% endif %}