Archive Job =========== Description ----------- The _archiver_ is my method of performing periodic backups of application data. The general idea is that applications can write data to a dedicated directory in `/var/spool/archive`, and the [archive\_server](../archive_server) will rsync any of these files to a central location each night. The `archive_job` role creates a systemd timer to perform an application's archive job at a given calendar interval. The archive command can be specified as an `argv` to pass to exec, or as a string to be interpreted by the shell. Archive commands are `chdir`ed to the appropriate spool directory prior to execution, so it's safe to to just write to the current working directory. Variables --------- This role **accepts** the following variables: Variable | Default | Description ----------------------|------------------------------|------------ `archive_name` |   | Name of the archive job `archive_description` | `archive {{ archive_name }}` | Description of the archive job `archive_user` | root | Unix user that executes the job process `archive_group` | `{{ archive_user }}` | Unix group that executes the job process `archive_command` |   | Command to execute (will be passed as-is to `exec`) `archive_shell` |   | Shell command to execute `archive_on_calendar` | weekly | Systemd [calendar interval]( for running archive job Usage ----- Example playbook: ````yaml - name: configure cups archive job hosts: cups_servers roles: - role: archive_job archive_name: cups archive_shell: >- TIMESTAMP=$(date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S); tar czf "cups-${TIMESTAMP}.tar.gz" --transform "s|^\.|cups-${TIMESTAMP}|" -C /etc/cups ./ppd ./printers.conf tags: archive ````