Archive Server ============== Description ----------- The _archiver_ is my method of performing periodic backups of application data. The general idea is that applications can write data to a dedicated directory in `/var/spool/archive` via an [archive job](../archive_job), and the archive server will rsync these files to a central location each night. The `archive_server` role generates the [archiver script](templates/usr/local/bin/, along with a corresponding FreeIPA user account and systemd timer. The archvier script runs daily. It iterates over each host in the `archive_clients` hostgroup and `rsync`s anything in `/var/spool/archive` to the location specified by `archive_dest_path`. Since `rsync` uses a Kerberos keytab for SSH authentication, it can only be used for hosts within the FreeIPA domain. Archived files are sorted into subdirectories by hostname. ### Plugins For hosts that don't support `rsync`, such as network equipment, the archiver provides a plugin-based method of retrieving files. A plugin is just an executable file in the [plugin directory](files/usr/local/libexec/archiver/) that takes a target hostname as the first argument (you can also pass additional arguments if needed). Plugin scripts are `chdir`'d to the destination directory prior to execution, so it's safe for them to simply write files to the current working directory. Each line in the archiver [config file](templates/etc/archiver.conf.j2) specifies a host to archive, along with a plugin invocation. Currently, plugins are used to archive [OPNsense](files/usr/local/libexec/archiver/archive_opnsense) and [EdgeSwitch](files/usr/local/libexec/archiver/archive_edgeswitch) configurations. Variables --------- This role **accepts** the following variables: Variable | Default | Description ------------------------|----------------|------------ `archive_dest_path` | `/nfs/archive` | Path to store archived files `archive_user` | `s-archiver` | FreeIPA user account for performing SSH-based rsync `archive_on_calendar` | `23:00:00` | Systemd [calendar interval]( for archiving hosts `archive_retention_days`| 365 | Number of days to retain archive files Usage ----- Example playbook: ````yaml - name: configure archive server hosts: archive_servers roles: - role: archive_server vars: archive_dest_path: /mnt/networkshare/archive ````