[general] format={{ asterisk_voicemail_formats | join('|') }} serveremail={{ asterisk_mail_from }} attach=yes ; Maximum number of messages per folder maxmsg={{ asterisk_voicemail_max_message_count }} ; Maximum length of a voicemail message in seconds maxsecs={{ asterisk_voicemail_max_message_secs }} ; Minimum length of a voicemail message in seconds for the message to be kept maxgreet={{ asterisk_voicemail_max_greeting_secs }} ; How many milliseconds to skip forward/back when rew/ff in message playback skipms=3000 ; How many seconds of silence before we end the recording maxsilence=10 ; Silence threshold (what we consider silence: the lower, the more sensitive) silencethreshold=128 ; Max number of failed login attempts maxlogins={{ asterisk_voicemail_max_failed_logins }} emailsubject={{ asterisk_voicemail_email_subject }} emailbody={{ asterisk_voicemail_email_body }} emaildateformat={{ asterisk_voicemail_email_date_format }} tz=myzone locale={{ asterisk_locale }} minpassword={{ asterisk_voicemail_min_password }} [zonemessages] myzone={{ asterisk_timezone }}|'vm-received' Q 'digits/at' IMp {% for item in asterisk_voicemail_contexts | dict2items(key_name='context', value_name='mailboxes') %} [{{ item.context }}] {% for mailbox in item.mailboxes %} {{ mailbox.address }} => {{ mailbox.password }},{{ mailbox.name }},{{ mailbox.email if mailbox.email is string else (mailbox.email | join('|')) }},,, {% endfor %} {% endfor %}