getcert-request =============== Description ----------- The `getcert_request` role retrieves a TLS certificate from FreeIPA via the `getcert` command. It uses [Certmonger]( to track certificate renewals. Variables --------- This role **accepts** the following variables: Variable | Default | Description -------------------------|-------------------------------------|------------ `certificate_sans` | `{{ [ansible_fqdn] + cnames }}` | Subject Alternative Names `certificate_service` | `HTTP` | FreeIPA service prinicpal to own certificate (will be created) `certificate_type` | `rsa` | Either `ecdsa` or `rsa` `certificate_size` | 2048 | RSA key size (bits) `certificate_path` |   | Path of store certificate file `certificate_key_path` |   | Path of certificate key file `certificate_owner` | `root` | Owner of certificate files (or `owner:group`) `certificate_mode` | 0400 | File mode of certificate files `certificate_hook` |   | Command to `exec` after certificate renewal `certificate_resubmit` | no | Resubmit the certificate request, even if certificate file already exists `certificate_hook_name` | `{{ certificate_path | basename }}` | Filename of generated hook script (you probably don't need to change this) Usage ----- Example task: ````yaml - name: request internal TLS certificate include_role: name: getcert_request vars: certificate_sans: - - certificate_path: /etc/pki/tls/certs/wiki1.crt certificate_key_path: /etc/pki/tls/private/wiki1.key certificate_hook: systemctl reload httpd ````