Hastebin ======== Description ----------- The `hastebin` role installs and configures [Hastebin](https://github.com/toptal/haste-server), an open source pastebin. This role configures the NodeJS application only; it does not configure a reverse proxy. Variables --------- This role **accepts** the following variables: Variable | Default | Description --------------------------|----------|------------ `hastebin_version` | `master` | Git version to install `hastebin_upload_cidrs` | `[]` | List of CIDRS from which to allow new pastes `hastebin_port` | 8080 | Local listening port `hastebin_expire_days` | 0 | Paste expiration time (days, 0 to disable) This role **exports** the following variables: Variable | Description -------------------------|------------ `hastebin_apache_config` | Apache config block to configure a reverse proxy `hastebin_archive_shell` | Shell command to create tarball of hastebin data Usage ----- Example playbook: ````yaml - name: configure hastebin web application hosts: hastebin_servers roles: - role: hastebin hastebin_port: 8080 hastebin_upload_cidrs: - hastebin_expire_days: 30 - role: apache_vhost apache_server_name: hastebin.example.com apache_server_aliases: [] apache_letsencrypt: yes apache_config: '{{ hastebin_apache_config }}' ````