- name: create /usr/local/home file: path: /usr/local/home state: directory - name: copy homedir creation scripts copy: src: usr/local/sbin/create-local-homedir.sh dest: '{{ item }}' mode: 0555 setype: _default loop: - '{{ local_homedir_script_ssh }}' - '{{ local_homedir_script_sddm }}' - name: set xdm_unconfined_exec_t sefcontext on homedir creation script sefcontext: target: '{{ local_homedir_script_sddm }}' state: present setype: xdm_unconfined_exec_t tags: selinux register: local_homedir_sefcontext - name: apply selinux context to homedir creation script command: 'restorecon -R {{ local_homedir_script_sddm }}' when: local_homedir_sefcontext.changed tags: selinux - name: copy profile script copy: src: etc/profile.d/local-homedirs.sh dest: /etc/profile.d/local-homedirs.sh - name: copy pam_env for XDG variables copy: src: '{{ local_homedir_pam_env_path[1:] }}' dest: '{{ local_homedir_pam_env_path }}' - name: get fcontext equivalencies command: semanage fcontext -l -C changed_when: no register: selinux_equivalencies - name: set selinux fcontext for /usr/local/home command: semanage fcontext -a -e /home /usr/local/home register: local_homedirs_fcontext when: "'/usr/local/home = /home' not in selinux_equivalencies.stdout_lines" - name: apply selinux fcontext to /usr/local/home command: restorecon -R /usr/local/home when: local_homedirs_fcontext.changed - name: check if sddm is installed package_facts: manager: auto - name: modify sddm PAM configuration for local homedirs lineinfile: path: /etc/pam.d/sddm line: '{{ item }}' insertbefore: auth\s+optional\s+pam_gnome_keyring\.so$ state: present loop: - auth optional pam_exec.so {{ local_homedir_script_sddm }} - auth optional pam_env.so conffile={{ local_homedir_pam_env_path }} when: "'sddm' in ansible_facts.packages" - name: modify pam configs for sshd lineinfile: path: /etc/pam.d/sshd line: '{{ item }}' insertafter: EOF state: present loop: - session optional pam_exec.so {{ local_homedir_script_ssh }} - session optional pam_env.so conffile={{ local_homedir_pam_env_path }} - name: create systemd environment generator directory file: path: /etc/systemd/user-environment-generators state: directory - name: create systemd environment generator copy: src: etc/systemd/user-environment-generators/local-homedirs.sh dest: /etc/systemd/user-environment-generators/local-homedirs.sh mode: 0555 register: local_homedirs_systemd_environment_generator - name: reload daemons systemd: daemon_reload: yes when: local_homedirs_systemd_environment_generator.changed