Mastodon ======== Description ----------- The `mastodon` role installs and configures the [Mastodon]( social network server. It allows you to interact with the [Fediverse]( Users authenticate against the local FreeIPA domain. The Mastodon username for each user is taken from the `mastodonUsername` attribute of the FreeIPA User object. If your Mastodon domain differs from the public hostname of your server (e.g. your IDs have the format ``, but Mastodon runs on ``), then you will need to configure `.well-known` delegation in order to federate with other instances. See the [sample webserver playbook](../../playbooks/webserver_public_example.yml) for an example of how to do this. Note that unlike most other roles in this project, Mastodon does not support kerberized PostgreSQL authentication. Therefore, you must explicitly set a database password and ensure the `postgresql_password_users` array contains the `mastodon_db_user`. Variables --------- This role **accepts** the following variables: Variable | Default | Description -------------------------------|---------------------------------------|------------ `mastodon_version` | see [defaults](defaults/main.yml) | [mastodon]( version to install `mastodon_domain` | `{{ email_domain }}` | Mastodon domain served by this server `mastodon_web_domain` | `{{ ansible_fqdn }}` | Public hostname for the web UI `mastodon_db_user` | `s-mastodon` | PostgreSQL username `mastodon_db_password` |   | PostgreSQL password `mastodon_db_host` | `{{ postgresql_host }}` | PostgreSQL host `mastodon_db_name` | `mastodon` | PostgreSQL database name `mastodon_ldap_host` | `{{ freeipa_hosts \| first }}` | LDAP server for user authentication `mastodon_access_group` | `role-mastodon-access` | FreeIPA group for Mastodon users (will be created) `mastodon_email_from` | `mastodon-noreply@{{ email_domain }}` | Email `From` address `mastodon_default_locale` | `en` | Default locale `mastodon_registrations` | `close` | Registration status (either `close`, `open`, or `approved`) `mastodon_redis_port` | 6379 | Local redis port `mastodon_web_port` | 8008 | Local Web UI port `mastodon_streaming_port` | 8009 | Local Mastodon streaming port `mastodon_sysaccount_username` | `mastodon` | FreeIPA [system account](../freeipa_system_account/) username `mastodon_sysaccount_password` |   | FreeIPA [system account](../freeipa_system_account/) password `mastodon_login_cidrs` | `[]` | List of CIDRs permitted to attempt login `mastodon_secret_key_base` |   | Secret key for browser sessions (generate with `rake secret`) `mastodon_otp_secret` |   | Secret key for 2-factor auth (generate with `rake secret`) `mastodon_vapid_private_key` |   | Private key for push notifications (generate with `rake mastodon:webpush:generate_vapid_key`) `mastodon_vapid_public_key` |   | Public key for push notifications (generate with `rake mastodon:webpush:generate_vapid_key`) This role **exports** the following variables: Variable | Description -------------------------|------------ `mastodon_webroot` | Path to Mastodon public web directory `mastodon_apache_config` | Apache config block for reverse proxy `mastodon_archive_shell` | Shell command for generating tarball of Mastodon media files Usage ----- Example playbook: ```yaml - name: configure mastodon servers hosts: mastodon_servers roles: - role: mastodon tags: mastodon vars: mastodon_domain: mastodon_web_domain: mastodon_db_user: s-mastodon mastodon_db_password: s3cret mastodon_db_name: mastodon mastodon_access_group: role-mastodon-access mastodon_registrations: close mastodon_secret_key_base: s3cret mastodon_otp_secret: s3cret mastodon_vapid_public_key: AAAAchangeme mastodon_vapid_private_key: AAAAchangeme - role: apache_vhost apache_server_name: '{{ mastodon_web_domain }}' apache_server_aliases: [] apache_letsencrypt: yes apache_redirect_to_https: yes apache_document_root: '{{ mastodon_webroot }}' apache_config: '{{ mastodon_apache_config }}' tags: apache ```