Nagios Server ============= Description ----------- The `nagios_server` role installs and configures the [Nagios]( monitoring system. The check configuration is generated from the Ansible inventory using various `nagios_`-prefixed host variables. This role does not install a webserver; it configures the Nagios application only. The config file templates are tightly coupled to the group names in the [example inventory](../../inventory-example/). If you change the group names, then you'll also need to modify the [object templates](templates/etc/nagios/objects/). ### Why Nagios? I admit, Nagios is long in the tooth, and the interface leaves much to be desired. In my view, it has three major advantages: - You can just `dnf install nagios`, and you're ready to go. No supporting infrastructure required. - The configuration syntax is extremely simple, making it easy to automatically generate the config files. - Extending it with your own plugins is trivial: you just write a script that returns `0`, `1`, or `2`. You _can_ use Nagios for metrics gathering, but its not well-suited to the task. In this project, its used purely for health checks. I would have preferred to use [Icinga]( for its slick interface, but they sadly put RPM packages behind a paywall recently. Variables --------- This role **accepts** the following variables: Variable | Default | Description --------------------------------------|---------------------------|------------ `nagios_admin_email` | `root@{{ email_domain }}` | Administrator's email address `nagios_admin_pager` | `root@{{ email_domain }}` | Administrator's "pager" (not really used) `nagios_access_group` | `role-nagios-access` | FreeIPA group of users allowed to access web interface (will be created) `nagios_email` | `root@{{ email_domain }}` | Default contact email for alerts `nagios_reboot_window` | `03:00-05:00` | Daily [Time Period]( for host reboots `nagios_ssh_privkey` |   | SSH private key for `nagios` user `nagios_excluded_groups` | `[]` | List of Ansible group names to exclude from checks `nagios_ssh_control_persist` | `20m` | Timeout of persistent SSH connection `nagios_snmp_max_size` | 10000 | Maximum size of SNMP responses (bytes) `nagios_manubulon_version` | `master` | Git version of [Manubulon]( to install `nagios_check_dns` | `[]` | DNS checks to perform (see [format](#nagios_check_dns) below) `nagios_connectivity_check_host` | `` | Host to use for upstream connectivity check `nagios_connectivity_check_count` | 20 | Number of ICMP packets to use for connectivity check `nagios_connectivity_check_rtt_warn` | 50.0 | Round-trip-time warning threshold for connectivity check (ms) `nagios_connectivity_check_rtt_crit` | 100.0 | Round-trip-time critical threshold for connectivity check (ms) `nagios_connectivity_check_loss_warn` | `5%` | Packet loss warning threshold for connectivity check `nagios_connectivity_check_loss_crit` | `20%` | Packet loss critical threshold for connectivity check ### nagios\_check\_dns The `nagios_check_dns` variable lists DNS checks to perform. It should contain a list of dictionaries of the following format: Variable | Default | Description ---------|---------|------------ name |   | FQDN to query qtype | `A` | Query type server |   | Upstream DNS server to query expect |   | Expected response ### Exports This role **exports** the following variables: Variable | Description -----------------------|------------ `nagios_html_dir` | Nagios webroot path `nagios_apache_config` | Apache config block for Nagios CGI application Host Variables -------------- In addition to variables for the `nagios_server` role itself, you can set various `nagios_`-prefixed hostvars to influence the check behavior for each host. Defaults for these host-specific variables are set in [group\_vars/all/nagios.yml](../../inventory-example/group_vars/all/nagios.yml) in the example inventory. Variable | Description ----------------------------------|------------ `nagios_snmp_user` | SNMPv3 username `nagios_snmp_community` | SNMP community string `nagios_snmp_auth_proto` | SNMPv3 authentication protocol `nagios_snmp_priv_proto` | SNMPv3 encryption protocol `nagios_snmp_auth_pass` | SNMPv3 authentication password `nagios_snmp_priv_pass` | SNMPv3 encryption password `nagios_ping_count` | ICMP packet count for `hostalive` check `nagios_ping_rtt_warn` | Round-trip time warning threshold for `hostalive` check `nagios_ping_rtt_crit` | Round-trip time critical threshold for `hostalive` check `nagios_ping_loss_warn` | Packet loss warning threshold for `hostalive` check `nagios_ping_loss_crit` | Packet loss critical threshold for `hostalive` check `nagios_temp_warn` | Temperature warning threshold (C) `nagios_temp_crit` | Temperature critical threshold (C) `nagios_power_draw_warn` | Power draw warning threshold (%) `nagios_power_draw_crit` | Power draw critical threshold (%) `nagios_load_1m_warn` | 1m load average (warn) `nagios_load_5m_warn` | 5m load average (warn) `nagios_load_15m_warn` | 15m load average (warn) `nagios_load_1m_crit` | 1m load average (crit) `nagios_load_5m_crit` | 5m load average (crit) `nagios_load_15m_crit` | 15m load average (crit) `nagios_mem_warn` | Memory usage warning threshold (%) `nagios_mem_crit` | Memory usage critical threshold (%) `nagios_swap_warn` | Swap usage warning threshold (%) `nagios_swap_crit` | Swap usage critical threshold (%) `nagios_interface_bandwidth_warn` | Interface bandwith warning threshold (Mbps) `nagios_interface_bandwidth_crit` | Interface bandwith critical threshold (Mbps) `nagios_interface_discard_warn` | Interface discards warning threshold (per second) `nagios_interface_discard_crit` | Interface discards critical threshold (per second) `nagios_interface_error_warn` | Interface errors warning threshold (per second) `nagios_interface_error_crit` | Interface errors critical threshold (per second) `nagios_interfaces` | Per-interface threshold overrides (see [format](#nagios_interfaces) below) `nagios_disk_warn` | Disk usage warning threshold (%) `nagios_disk_crit` | Disk usage critical threshold (%) `nagios_disks` | Per-filesystem threshold overrides (see [format](#nagios_disks) below) `nagios_certificate_warn` | Certificate validity days remaining (warning) `nagios_certificate_crit` | Certificate validity days remaining (critical) `nagios_smtp_warn` | SMTP response time warning threshold (seconds) `nagios_smtp_crit` | SMTP response time critical threshold (seconds) `nagios_mailq_warn` | Mail queue warning size `nagios_mailq_crit` | Mail queue critical size `nagios_imap_warn` | IMAP response time warning threshold (seconds) `nagios_imap_crit` | IMAP response time warning threshold (seconds) `nagios_http_warn` | HTTP response time warning threshold (seconds) `nagios_http_crit` | HTTP response time warning threshold (seconds) ### nagios\_interfaces The `nagios_interfaces` variable is used to specify check thresholds for each network interface independently. It should contain a list of dictionaries of the following format: Variable | Default | Description -----------------|-----------------------------------------|----------- `name` |   | Interface name `regex` |   | Regular expression matching one or more interfaces `description` | `interface name` | Nagios check name `down_ok` | no | Don't alert when interface is down `bandwidth_warn` | `{{ nagios_interface_bandwidth_warn }}` | Bandwidth warning threshold (Mbps) `bandwidth_crit` | `{{ nagios_interface_bandwidth_crit }}` | Bandwidth critical threshold (Mbps) `discard_warn` | `{{ nagios_interface_discard_warn }}` | Discard warning threshold (per second) `discard_crit` | `{{ nagios_interface_discard_crit }}` | Discard critical threshold (per second) `error_warn` | `{{ nagios_interface_error_warn }}` | Error warning threshold (per second) `error_crit` | `{{ nagios_interface_error_crit }}` | Error critical threshold (per second) The `nagios_interfaces` variable can also contain a simple list of interface names, in which case the default check thresholds will be used. ### nagios\_disks The `nagios_disks` variable is used to specify check thresholds for each filesystem independently. It should contain a list of dictionaries of the following format: Variable | Default | Description --------------|--------------------------|------------ `path` |   | Path of the disk's mountpoint `regex` |   | Regular expression matching one or more mountpoints `description` | `mount path` | Nagios check name `exclude` | no | Treat mountpoint as exclusion pattern `terse` | no | Use shorter check output `warn` | `{{ nagios_disk_warn }}` | Disk usage warning threshold (%) `crit` | `{{ nagios_disk_crit }}` | Disk usage critical threshold (%) The `nagios_disks` variable can also contain a simple list of mountpoints, in which case the default check thresholds will be used. Usage ----- Example playbook: ````yaml - hosts: nagios_servers roles: - role: nagios_server vars: nagios_check_dns: - name: qtype: A server: expect: - role: apache_vhost vars: apache_document_root: '{{ nagios_html_dir }}' apache_config: '{{ nagios_apache_config }}' ````