Nitter ====== Description ----------- The `gathio` role installs and configures [Nitter](, an open source Twitter frontend. This role configures the application only; it does not configure a reverse proxy. Variables --------- This role **accepts** the following variables: Variable | Default | Description -------------------------------|----------------------|------------ `nitter_version` | `master` | Git version to install `nitter_server_name` | `{{ ansible_fqdn }}` | Canonical HTTP hostname `nitter_port` | 8080 | Local listening port `nitter_update_on_calendar` | `weekly` | Systemd [calendar interval]( for updating Nitter `nitter_hmac_key` |   | Random key for cryptographic signing of video URLs `nitter_max_connections` | 100 | Maximum number of HTTP connections `nitter_token_count` | 10 | Minimum number of API tokens `nitter_cache_list_minutes` | 240 | List cache duration (minutes) `nitter_cache_rss_minutes` | 10 | RSS cache duration (minutes) `nitter_redis_port` | 6379 | Port for local redis instance `nitter_redis_connections` | 20 | Redis connection pool size `nitter_redis_max_connections` | 30 | Maximum number of open redis connections This role **exports** the following variables: Variable | Description -----------------------|------------ `nitter_apache_config` | Apache config block to configure a reverse proxy Usage ----- Example playbook: ````yaml - hosts: nitter_servers roles: - role: nitter - role: apache_vhost apache_server_name: '{{ nitter_server_name }}' apache_server_aliases: [] apache_config: '{{ nitter_apache_config }}' ````