- name: clone proxmox template proxmox_kvm: node: '{{ proxmox_node }}' api_host: localhost api_user: '{{ proxmox_api_user }}' api_password: '{{ proxmox_api_password }}' name: '{{ proxmox_hostname }}' storage: '{{ proxmox_storage }}' clone: '{{ proxmox_template }}' full: yes format: unspecified state: present delegate_to: '{{ proxmox_api_host }}' register: vm_clone - name: wait for PVE to settle pause: seconds: 5 when: vm_clone.changed - name: get new vmid shell: >- qm list | awk -v name={{ proxmox_hostname }} '$2 == name { print $1; rc=1 } END { exit !rc }' changed_when: False register: proxmox_vmid until: proxmox_vmid.stdout | int > 0 retries: 5 delay: 2 delegate_to: '{{ proxmox_api_host }}' - name: update VM properties proxmox_kvm: node: '{{ proxmox_node }}' api_host: localhost api_user: '{{ proxmox_api_user }}' api_password: '{{ proxmox_api_password }}' bios: '{{ proxmox_bios }}' efidisk0: storage: '{{ proxmox_storage }}' efitype: 4m pre_enrolled_keys: 1 format: unspecified name: '{{ proxmox_hostname }}' agent: '{{ proxmox_kvm_guest_agent }}' storage: '{{ proxmox_storage }}' onboot: '{{ proxmox_onboot }}' cpu: '{{ proxmox_cpu }}' sockets: '{{ proxmox_sockets }}' cores: '{{ proxmox_cores }}' vcpus: '{{ proxmox_sockets * proxmox_cores }}' memory: '{{ proxmox_memory }}' vga: '{{ proxmox_kvm_vga }}' scsihw: '{{ proxmox_kvm_scsihw }}' nameservers: "{{ proxmox_nameservers | join(',') }}" searchdomains: '{{ proxmox_searchdomain }}' sshkeys: "{{ proxmox_pubkeys | join('\n') }}" ciuser: '{{ proxmox_kvm_ciuser }}' cipassword: '{{ proxmox_password }}' cicustom: 'user={{ proxmox_userdata }}' ipconfig: ipconfig0: 'ip={{ (proxmox_ip ~ "/" ~ proxmox_netmask) | ansible.utils.ipaddr("cidr") }},gw={{ proxmox_gateway }}' update: yes delegate_to: '{{ proxmox_api_host }}' # The proxox_kvm module is not smart enough to report when the VM remains unchanged - sad! changed_when: false - name: query the virtual NIC configuration shell: > qm config {{ proxmox_vmid.stdout }} | awk '$1 == "net0:" {print $2}' | sed -e 's/=/: /g' -e 's/,/\n/g' register: qm_config_net0 changed_when: False delegate_to: '{{ proxmox_api_host }}' - name: convert NIC to YAML dictionary set_fact: vm_nic: '{{ qm_config_net0.stdout | from_yaml }}' - name: set the virtual NIC vlan tag command: > qm set {{ proxmox_vmid.stdout }} -net0 virtio={{ vm_nic.virtio }},bridge={{ vm_nic.bridge }},firewall={{ proxmox_firewall | int }},tag={{ proxmox_vlan }} when: (proxmox_vlan | int) != (vm_nic.tag | default(1) | int) delegate_to: '{{ proxmox_api_host }}' - name: query the virtual disk configuration shell: > qm config {{ proxmox_vmid.stdout }} | awk '$1 == "scsi0:" {print $2}' | sed -e 's/[=:]/: /g' -e 's/,/\n/g' register: qm_config_scsi0 changed_when: False delegate_to: '{{ proxmox_api_host }}' - name: convert disk to YAML dictionary set_fact: vm_disk: '{{ qm_config_scsi0.stdout | trim | from_yaml }}' - name: grow the virtual disk command: qm resize {{ proxmox_vmid.stdout }} scsi0 {{ proxmox_disk ~ 'G' }} when: (proxmox_disk ~ 'G') != vm_disk.size delegate_to: '{{ proxmox_api_host }}' - name: set virtual disk properties command: > qm set {{ proxmox_vmid.stdout }} -scsi0 {{ proxmox_storage }}:{{ vm_disk[proxmox_storage] }},discard={{ 'on' if proxmox_discard else 'off' }},ssd={{ proxmox_ssd | int }} when: >- vm_disk.discard is not defined or vm_disk.discard != proxmox_discard or vm_disk.ssd is not defined or (vm_disk.ssd | int | bool) != proxmox_ssd delegate_to: '{{ proxmox_api_host }}' - name: configure efidisk block: - name: query the efi disk configuration shell: "qm config {{ proxmox_vmid.stdout }} | grep -q '^efidisk0:'" register: qm_config_efidisk0 changed_when: no failed_when: no delegate_to: '{{ proxmox_api_host }}' - name: create efidisk command: qm set {{ proxmox_vmid.stdout }} -efidisk0 {{ proxmox_storage }}:1,efitype=4m,pre-enrolled-keys=1 delegate_to: '{{ proxmox_api_host }}' when: qm_config_efidisk0.rc != 0 when: "proxmox_bios == 'ovmf'" - name: start the VM proxmox_kvm: node: '{{ proxmox_node }}' api_host: localhost api_user: '{{ proxmox_api_user }}' api_password: '{{ proxmox_api_password }}' vmid: '{{ proxmox_vmid.stdout }}' state: started delegate_to: '{{ proxmox_api_host }}' - name: wait for VM to become reachable wait_for_connection: timeout: 120