To generate the grub binaries: ------------------------------ Install the required packages: dnf install grub2 grub2-pc grub2-efi grub2-pc-modules grub2-efi-x64-modules grub2-efi-aa64-modules Generate the images: # location of the grub.cfg files within the tftp root PREFIX=/grub COMMON_MODULES="normal linux echo http tftp reboot configfile" # Last arguments are the modules to "statically link" into the grub image. # I'd rather not maintain a bunch of .mod files within the tftp directory. grub2-mkimage --format=x86_64-efi --output=bootx64.efi -p $PREFIX $COMMON_MODULES efinet bsd grub2-mkimage --format=arm64-efi --output=bootaa64.efi -p $PREFIX $COMMON_MODULES efinet grub2-mkimage --format=i386-pc-pxe --output=booti386 -p $PREFIX $COMMON_MODULES pxe bsd