SNMP ==== Description ----------- The `snmp` role installs [net-snmp]( and adds SNMPv3 user accounts. Variables --------- This role **accepts** the following variables: Variable | Default | Description -------------------|-------------------------------------------------|------------ `snmp_location` | `unknown` | SNMP location string `snmp_contact` | `root@{{ email_domain }}` | SNMP email contact `snmp_force_users` | no | Re-create SNMPv3 users even if they already exist `snmp_v3_users` | nagios user (see [defaults](defaults/main.yml)) | SNMPv3 user accounts (see [format](#snmp_v3_users) below) ### snmp\_v3\_users The `snmp_v3_users` variable specifies the SNMPv3 users to create. It should contain a list of dictionaries of the following format: Key | Default | Description ------------|------------|------------ `name` |   | SNMPv3 username `auth_pass` |   | SNMPv3 authentication password `priv_pass` |   | SNMPv3 privacy password Usage ----- Example playbook: ````yaml - name: configure SNMP hosts: all roles: - role: snmp vars: snmp_location: my datacenter snmp_contact: snmp_v3_users: - name: nagios auth_pass: s3cret priv_pass: hunter2 ````