Syncthing ========= Description ----------- The `syncthing` role installs [Syncthing]( and configures a dedicated Syncthing instance for each specified user. Using the exported `syncthing_apache_config` block, users are able to access their server GUI by navigating to `https://$HOSTNAME/$USERNAME/` (GSSAPI authentication is used). Note that if you use NFS home directories, you'll need to whitelist the Syncthing host for non-Kerberized NFS. Each user's Syncthing instance runs under their own UID, and I haven't yet figured out a good way to shuffle keytabs around. Variables --------- This role **accepts** the following variables: Variable | Default | Description --------------------------------|---------|------------ `syncthing_users` | `{}` | Mapping of usernames to unique Syncthing ports `syncthing_fs_watcher_enabled` | no | Use inotify (doesn't work on NFS) `syncthing_rescan_interval_sec` | 60 | Folder rescan interval (seconds) This role **exports** the following variables: Variable | Description --------------------------|------------ `syncthing_archive_shell` | Shell command to make a backup tarball of the Syncthing configuration Usage ----- Example playbook: ````yaml - name: configure syncthing hosts: syncthing1 roles: - role: syncthing vars: syncthing_users: johndoe: 22001 janedoe: 22002 anotheruser: 22003 - role: apache_vhost apache_default_vhost: yes apache_config: '{{ syncthing_apache_config }}' ````