Teddit ====== Description ----------- The `teddit` role installs and configures [Teddit](https://codeberg.org/teddit/teddit), an open source frontend for Reddit. This role configures the NodeJS application only; it does not configure a reverse proxy. Variables --------- This role **accepts** the following variables: Variable | Default | Description ---------------------------------|----------------------|------------ `teddit_version` | `main` | Git version to install `teddit_port` | 8080 | Local listening port `teddit_server_name` | `{{ ansible_fqdn }}` | Canonical HTTP hostname `teddit_update_on_calendar` | `weekly` | Systemd [calendar interval](https://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/systemd.time.html#Calendar%20Events) for updating teddit `teddit_use_reddit_oauth` | no | Use OAuth for Reddit API `teddit_reddit_app_id` |   | Reddit app ID for OAuth `teddit_theme` | `auto` | Either `dark`, `sepia`, or `auto` `teddit_clean_homepage` | yes | Use clean homepage `teddit_flairs_enabled` | no | Show Reddit flairs `teddit_highlight_controversial` | yes | Highlight controversial comments `teddit_videos_muted` | yes | Automatically mute videos `teddit_comments_sort` | `confidence` | Either `confidence`, `top`, `new`, `controversial`, `old`, `random` `teddit_show_upvotes` | yes | Show upvote counts `teddit_show_upvote_percentage` | yes | Show upvote percentages `teddit_suggested_subreddits` | `['All', 'Saved']` | List of suggested subreddits `teddit_redis_port` | 6379 | Local Redis port `teddit_cache_control_interval` | 24 | How often to purge static file cache (hours) This role **exports** the following variables: Variable | Description -----------------------|------------ `teddit_apache_config` | Apache config block to configure a reverse proxy Usage ----- Example playbook: ````yaml - name: configure teddit web application hosts: privbrowse_servers roles: - role: teddit vars: teddit_server_name: teddit.ipa.example.com teddit_use_reddit_oauth: no - role: apache_vhost vars: apache_server_name: '{{ teddit_server_name }}' apache_server_aliases: [] apache_config: '{{ teddit_apache_config }}' ````