Tiny Tiny RSS ============= Description ----------- The `ttrss` role installs and configures the [Tiny Tiny RSS](https://tt-rss.org/) feed aggregator. The [ttrss-auth-ldap](https://github.com/sacredheartsc/ttrss-freeipa) is used to authenticate users against the local FreeIPA domain. This role configures the PHP application only; it does not configure the webserver. Variables --------- This role **accepts** the following variables: Variable | Default | Description -------------------------------|------------------------------------|------------ `ttrss_version` | `HEAD` | Git version of TT-RSS to install `ttrss_freeipa_plugin_version` | `HEAD` | Git version of FreeIPA plugin to install `ttrss_update_on_calendar` | `weekly` | Systemd [calendar interval](https://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/systemd.time.html#Calendar%20Events) for updating TT-RSS `ttrss_server_name` | `{{ ansible_fqdn }}` | Canonical HTTP hostname `ttrss_db_host` | `{{ postgresql_host }}` | PostgreSQL host `ttrss_user` | `s-ttrss` | PostgreSQL user (will be created) `ttrss_db_name` | `ttrss` | PostgreSQL database (will be created) `ttrss_session_lifetime_sec` | 604800 | Login session lifetime (seconds) `ttrss_email_from_name` | `Tiny Tiny RSS` | Email `From:` name `ttrss_email_from_address` | `ttrss-noreply@{{ email_domain }}` | Email `From:` address `ttrss_access_group` | `role-ttrss-access` | FreeIPA group for TT-RSS users (will be created) `ttrss_admin_group` | `role-ttrss-admin` | FreeIPA group for TT-RSS administrators (will be created) ### Exports This role **exports** the following variables: Variable | Description ------------------------|------------ `ttrss_php_environment` | Dictionary of required environment variables for PHP `ttrss_apache_config` | Apache config block for TT-RSS `ttrss_home` | TT-RSS webroot Usage ----- Example playbook: ````yaml - name: configure tinytinyrss web application hosts: ttrss_servers roles: - role: ttrss vars: ttrss_server_name: ttrss.ipa.example.com ttrss_db_host: postgres.ipa.example.com ttrss_access_group: ttrss-users ttrss_admin_group: ttrss-admins - role: php vars: php_fpm_environment: '{{ ttrss_php_environment }}' - role: apache_vhost vars: apache_default_vhost: yes apache_canonical_hostname: '{{ ttrss_server_name }}' apache_document_root: '{{ ttrss_home }}' apache_config: '{{ ttrss_apache_config }}' ````