Yum Mirror ========== Description ----------- The `yum_mirror` role configures a local Yum repository that mirrors packages from different upstream repositories. Mirrored repositories are configured in the [vars file](vars/main.yml). Variables --------- This role **accepts** the following variables: Variable | Default | Description -------------------------|------------------|------------ `yum_sync_on_calendar` | `22,23,10,11:00` | Systemd [calendar interval](https://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/systemd.time.html#Calendar%20Events) for syncing repositories `yum_mirrorlist_country` | `US` | Country code for remote mirrorlists This role **exports** the following variables: Variable | Description ---------------------|------------ `yum_mirror_webroot` | Path to repository directory Usage ----- Example playbook: ````yaml - name: configure yum mirrors hosts: yum_servers roles: - role: yum_mirror vars: yum_mirrorlist_country: US - role: apache_vhost vars: apache_default_vhost: yes apache_document_root: '{{ yum_mirror_webroot }}' apache_autoindex: yes apache_redirect_to_https: no ````