--- title: sacredheartsc.com heading: Cor Jesu Sacratissimum, miserere nobis subtitle: Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us! description: The digital home of a Southern sysadmin. --- ![](sacredheart.png "Sacred Heart"){.logo} Welcome to my personal website. I'm a husband, father of three, and Unix herder. The HTML you're currently viewing was artisanally crafted in South Carolina. Professionally, I'm something between a programmer and a system administrator. Nothing here represents the views of any employer. It's just a collection of my personal projects and interests, which include digital privacy, self-hosting, and old-school sysadminning. - [Email](mailto:stonewall@sacredheartsc.com){title="stonewall@sacredheartsc.com"} | [Mastodon](https://mastodon.sacredheartsc.com/@stonewall){title="@stonewall@sacredheartsc.com"} | [XMPP](xmpp:stonewall@sacredheartsc.com?message){title="stonewall@sacredheartsc.com"} | [Matrix](https://matrix.to/#/@stonewall:sacredheartsc.com){title="@stonewall:sacredheartsc.com"} | [IRC](ircs://irc.libera.chat/stonewall,isnick){title="stonewall on irc.libera.chat"} - GPG: [0x6DF66CCB](/gpg.asc) - Code: [Git](https://git.sacredheartsc.com/) | [GitHub](https://github.com/sacredheartsc) - [Blog](/blog/) - [Curriculum Vitae](/cv/) This website is powered by a [Makefile](https://git.sacredheartsc.com/www/about/)! ## Recent Posts ::: bloglist __BLOG_LIST__ :::