blob: 24284a51f23ed27f886fecd559d0e0b46b50138a (
plain) (
: ${poudriere_versions:='14.2-RELEASE'}
: ${poudriere_jobs:="$nproc"}
: ${poudriere_dataset:="${state_dataset:-zroot}"}
: ${poudriere_make_jobs_number:='4'}
: ${poudriere_priority_boost:='gcc* llvm* rust'}
: ${poudriere_allow_make_jobs_packages:='ImageMagick* bitwarden-cli cargo-c *chromium* cmake cmake-core digikam eclipse electron* ffmpeg firefox thunderbird gcc* gnutls gtk3* icu libreoffice* llvm* mongodb* mysql*-client mysql*-server node* openjdk* openssl pkg plasma6-plasma-workspace postgresql* qt*-webengine rust webkit* wine vaultwarden'}
: ${poudriere_ccache_size:='50.0G'}
: ${poudriere_default_versions:='imagemagick=7-nox11'}
# Create poudriere datasets.
create_dataset -o "mountpoint=${poudriere_data_dir}" "${state_dataset}/poudriere"
create_dataset -o "mountpoint=${poudriere_conf_dir}" "${state_dataset}/poudriere-config"
zfs set com.sun:auto-snapshot:weekly=false \
"${state_dataset}/poudriere" \
# Since we're doing a ton of compilation, disable sync on the poudriere dataset.
# Possibly snakeoil, but my hope is that most file I/O will end up in the ARC cache
# and not thrash the disks.
zfs set sync=disabled "${poudriere_dataset}/poudriere"
# These packages are needed to bootstrap poudriere. On the first run, they'll
# be installed from the public FreeBSD repos.
pkg install -y \
poudriere \
git-lite \
nginx \
# Generate poudriere configuration.
install_template -m 0644 \
/usr/local/etc/poudriere.conf \
"${poudriere_conf_dir}/make.conf" \
"${poudriere_conf_dir}/idm-make.conf" \
"${poudriere_conf_dir}/pkglist" \
"${poudriere_conf_dir}/idm-pkglist" \
install_file -m 0400 /usr/local/etc/ssl/repo.key
install_directory -m 0755 /usr/ports/distfiles
install_directory -m 0755 -o nobody -g nobody "${poudriere_data_dir}/ccache"
install_template -m 0644 -o nobody -g nobody "${poudriere_data_dir}/ccache/ccache.conf"
# Copy TLS certificate for nginx.
install_certificate nginx "$poudriere_https_cert"
install_certificate_key nginx "$poudriere_https_key"
# Configure and enable nginx to serve the packages.
install_template -m 0644 \
/usr/local/etc/nginx/nginx.conf \
install_file -m 0644 /etc/newsyslog.conf.d/nginx.conf
sysrc -v nginx_enable=YES
service nginx restart
# Create and update the `latest` ports tree.
[ -d "${poudriere_data_dir}/ports/latest" ] || poudriere ports -c -v -p latest
git -C "${poudriere_data_dir}/ports/latest" restore :/
git -C "${poudriere_data_dir}/ports/latest" clean -f
[ "${poudriere_update:-}" = true ] && poudriere ports -v -u -p latest
# Apply custom patches.
install_directory -m 0755 "$poudriere_patch_dir"
rm -f "${poudriere_patch_dir}/"*.patch
for patch in $poudriere_patches; do
install_file -m 0644 "${poudriere_patch_dir}/${patch}.patch"
for patch in "${poudriere_patch_dir}/"*.patch; do
[ -f "$patch" ] || continue
patch -d "${poudriere_data_dir}/ports/latest" -u < "$patch"
# For each specified FreeBSD version, build all packages.
for version in $poudriere_versions; do
jail=$(echo "$version" | tr . _)
abi="FreeBSD:${version%%.*}:$(uname -p)"
[ -d "${poudriere_data_dir}/jails/${jail}" ] || poudriere jail -c -j "$jail" -v "$version"
poudriere jail -u -j "$jail"
poudriere bulk -v -j "$jail" -f "${poudriere_conf_dir}/idm-pkglist" -p latest -z idm
poudriere pkgclean -j "$jail" -f "${poudriere_conf_dir}/idm-pkglist" -p latest -z idm -y
poudriere bulk -v -j "$jail" -f "${poudriere_conf_dir}/pkglist" -p latest
poudriere pkgclean -j "$jail" -f "${poudriere_conf_dir}/pkglist" -p latest -y
install_directory -m 0755 "${poudriere_data_dir}/data/packages/${abi}"
ln -snfv "../${jail}-latest" "${poudriere_data_dir}/data/packages/${abi}/latest"
ln -snfv "../${jail}-latest-idm" "${poudriere_data_dir}/data/packages/${abi}/latest-idm"
# Build 32-bit WINE (lol)
jail="$(echo "$version" | tr . _)-i386"
[ -d "${poudriere_data_dir}/jails/${jail}" ] || poudriere jail -c -j "$jail" -a i386 -v "$version"
poudriere bulk -v -j "$jail" -f "${poudriere_conf_dir}/i386-pkglist" -p latest
poudriere pkgclean -j "$jail" -f "${poudriere_conf_dir}/i386-pkglist" -p latest -y
install_directory -m 0755 "${poudriere_data_dir}/data/packages/${abi}"
ln -snfv "../${jail}-latest" "${poudriere_data_dir}/data/packages/${abi}/latest"
# Clean stale distfiles and logs.
poudriere distclean -v -a -p latest -y
poudriere logclean -N 5 -p latest -y
# Add an empty directory named "poudriere" in the webroot, just so we can easily
# click on something in the autoindex page that takes us to the Poudriere interface.
install_directory -m 0555 "${poudriere_data_dir}/data/packages/poudriere"
# Create cron job to update packages automatically.
install_file -m 0555 /usr/local/libexec/poudriere-cron
install_template -m 0644 /etc/cron.d/poudriere
# Now that we have a valid repo, switch the pkg repo to the local filesystem.
install_directory -m 0755 \
/usr/local/etc/pkg \
install_file -m 0644 /usr/local/etc/pkg/repos/FreeBSD.conf
install_template -m 0644 /usr/local/etc/pkg/repos/onprem.conf
# Install default packages (now that they've been built).
pkg update -f
if [ -n "${install_packages:-}" ]; then
pkg install $install_packages