path: root/pki
diff options
authorCullum Smith <cullum@sacredheartsc.com>2024-07-11 10:55:45 -0400
committerCullum Smith <cullum@sacredheartsc.com>2024-07-11 10:55:45 -0400
commit85007db580ccf662a45cf2aaeb83518ad2ddb85a (patch)
treed692c5bdbaf33c5b9791d538982b17ab4dd808ee /pki
parentde8305223b6079d14ac854ee067ffd069cb38ec7 (diff)
initial boxconf scaffolding
Diffstat (limited to 'pki')
1 files changed, 358 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/pki b/pki
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9a94121
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pki
@@ -0,0 +1,358 @@
+# Utility to manage an internal certificate authority using OpenSSL.
+set -eu
+BOXCONF_ROOT=$(dirname "$(readlink -f "$0")")
+ printf 'usage: %s %s\n' "$PROGNAME" "$USAGE" 2>&1
+ exit 2
+ # Acquire the CA password.
+ # If the BOXCONF_CA_PASSWORD environment variable is set, use that.
+ # Next, try reading the password from the .ca_password file.
+ # If all else fails, prompt interactively.
+ if [ -n "${BOXCONF_CA_PASSWORD:-}" ]; then
+ return
+ elif [ -f "$BOXCONF_CA_PASSWORD_FILE" ]; then
+ else
+ _boxconf_read_password 'Enter CA password: ' BOXCONF_CA_PASSWORD
+ fi
+_pki_dn2cnf() {
+ # Convert an LDAP DN to its OpenSSL .cnf file representation.
+ echo "$1" \
+ | tr ',' '\n' \
+ | awk '{a[i++]=$0} END {for (j=i-1; j>=0;) print a[j--] }' \
+ | sed \
+ -e 's/^[Cc][Nn]=/commonName=/' \
+ -e 's/^[Oo]=/organizationName=/' \
+ -e 's/^[Oo][Uu]=/organizationalUnitName=/' \
+ -e 's/^[Dd][Cc]=/domainComponent=/' \
+ -e 's/^[Cc]=/countryName=/' \
+ -e 's/^[Ss][Tt]=/stateOrProvinceName=/' \
+ -e 's/^[Ll]=/locality=/' \
+ -e 's/^[Ss][Nn]=/surName=/' \
+ -e 's/^[Gg][Nn]=/givenName=/' \
+ -e 's/^[Uu][Ii][Dd]=/userId=/' \
+ | awk '{print NR-1 "." $0}'
+ # Create symlinks and delete temp files after signing a certificate.
+ # $1 = certificate path
+ # Create symlink with human-readable name.
+ serial=$(awk 'END{print $3}' "${BOXCONF_CA_DIR}/index.txt")
+ ln -sf "../certs/${serial}.pem" "${BOXCONF_CA_DIR}/${1}.crt"
+ # Create fullchain certificate.
+ cat "${BOXCONF_CA_DIR}/${1}.crt" "${BOXCONF_CA_DIR}/ca.crt" > "${BOXCONF_CA_DIR}/${1}.fullchain.crt"
+ # Delete useless files.
+ rm -f \
+ "${BOXCONF_CA_DIR}/index.txt.old" \
+ "${BOXCONF_CA_DIR}/index.txt.attr.old" \
+ "${BOXCONF_CA_DIR}/serial.old"
+ # Given an OpenSSL config file, generate a signed certificate keypair.
+ # $1 = certificate path
+ # $2 = validity time (days)
+ # Generate encrypted private key for the server certificate.
+ PASS="$BOXCONF_VAULT_PASSWORD" openssl genpkey \
+ -algorithm ec \
+ -pkeyopt "ec_paramgen_curve:${EC_CURVE}" \
+ "-${CIPHER}" \
+ -pass env:PASS \
+ -out "${BOXCONF_CA_DIR}/${1}.key"
+ # Generate the CSR.
+ PASS="$BOXCONF_VAULT_PASSWORD" openssl req -new \
+ -key "${BOXCONF_CA_DIR}/${1}.key" \
+ "-${DIGEST}" \
+ -passin env:PASS \
+ -config "${BOXCONF_CA_DIR}/${1}.cnf" \
+ -out "${BOXCONF_CA_DIR}/${1}.csr"
+ # Sign the certificate.
+ PASS="$BOXCONF_CA_PASSWORD" openssl ca -batch \
+ -config "${BOXCONF_CA_DIR}/ca.cnf" \
+ -passin env:PASS \
+ ${2:+-days $2} \
+ -notext \
+ -out /dev/null \
+ -outdir "${BOXCONF_CA_DIR}/certs" \
+ -infiles "${BOXCONF_CA_DIR}/${1}.csr"
+ _pki_postsign "$1"
+ # Re-sign an existing certificate.
+ # $1 = certificate path
+ # $2 = validity time (time)
+ _pki_get_ca_password
+ # Sign the certificate.
+ PASS="$BOXCONF_CA_PASSWORD" openssl ca -batch \
+ -config "${BOXCONF_CA_DIR}/ca.cnf" \
+ -passin env:PASS \
+ ${2:+-days $2} \
+ -notext \
+ -out /dev/null \
+ -outdir "${BOXCONF_CA_DIR}/certs" \
+ -infiles "${BOXCONF_CA_DIR}/${1}.csr"
+ _pki_postsign "$1"
+ # Initialize the CA. Create CA cert, private key, and OpenSSL configuration.
+ constraints=''
+ while getopts :c: opt; do
+ case $opt in
+ c) constraints="${constraints}, permitted;${OPTARG}" ;;
+ :) usage ;;
+ ?) usage ;;
+ esac
+ done
+ shift $((OPTIND - 1 ))
+ [ $# -eq 1 ] || usage
+ domain=$1
+ [ -d "$BOXCONF_CA_DIR" ] && die 'CA already exists'
+ _pki_get_ca_password
+ mkdir -p "${BOXCONF_CA_DIR}/certs"
+ # Generate encrypted private key for CA.
+ PASS="$BOXCONF_CA_PASSWORD" openssl genpkey \
+ -algorithm ec \
+ -pkeyopt "ec_paramgen_curve:${EC_CURVE}" \
+ "-${CIPHER}" \
+ -pass env:PASS \
+ -out "${BOXCONF_CA_DIR}/ca.key"
+ # Create a config file for the CA certificate.
+ cat > "${BOXCONF_CA_DIR}/ca.cnf" <<EOF
+[ req ]
+x509_extensions = v3_req
+distinguished_name = req_distinguished_name
+prompt = no
+[ v3_req ]
+basicConstraints = critical, CA:TRUE, pathlen:0
+keyUsage = critical, keyCertSign, cRLSign
+nameConstraints = permitted;DNS:${domain}, permitted;DNS:.${domain}, permitted;email:.${domain}${constraints}
+[ req_distinguished_name ]
+O = ${domain}
+CN = Certificate Authority
+[ ca ]
+preserve = yes
+default_ca = CA_own
+[ CA_own ]
+new_certs_dir = \$dir/certs
+database = \$dir/index.txt
+rand_serial = yes
+unique_subject = no
+certificate = \$dir/ca.crt
+private_key = \$dir/ca.key
+default_days = ${DEFAULT_VALID_DAYS}
+default_crl_days = 30
+default_md = ${DIGEST}
+preserve = yes
+policy = policy_anything
+copy_extensions = copy
+x509_extensions = v3
+[ v3 ]
+basicConstraints = critical, CA:FALSE
+[ policy_anything ]
+countryName = optional
+stateOrProvinceName = optional
+localityName = optional
+organizationName = optional
+organizationalUnitName = optional
+commonName = optional
+emailAddress = optional
+ # Self-sign the CA certificate.
+ PASS="$BOXCONF_CA_PASSWORD" openssl req -new -x509 \
+ -days "$CA_VALID_DAYS" \
+ "-${DIGEST}" \
+ -passin env:PASS \
+ -config "${BOXCONF_CA_DIR}/ca.cnf" \
+ -key "${BOXCONF_CA_DIR}/ca.key" \
+ -out "${BOXCONF_CA_DIR}/ca.crt"
+ # Create empty index db.
+ [ -f "${BOXCONF_CA_DIR}/index.txt" ] || touch "${BOXCONF_CA_DIR}/index.txt"
+ # Create a server certificate keypair.
+ USAGE='server-cert [-d DAYS] HOSTNAME CERTNAME SAN...'
+ while getopts :d: opt; do
+ case $opt in
+ d) days=$OPTARG ;;
+ :|?) usage ;;
+ esac
+ done
+ shift $((OPTIND - 1 ))
+ [ $# -ge 3 ] || usage
+ hostname=$1; certname=$2; cn=${3#*:}
+ shift 2
+ [ -e "${BOXCONF_CA_DIR}/${hostname}/${certname}.cnf" ] && die "certificate already exists: ${hostname}/${certname}"
+ _pki_get_ca_password
+ _boxconf_get_vault_password
+ # Generate the SAN list. If the arg contains a ':', pass along as-is.
+ # If no ':' is present, assume type 'DNS:'.
+ while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
+ if [ "${1#*:}" = "$1" ]; then
+ sans="${sans:+${sans},}DNS:${1}"
+ else
+ sans="${sans:+${sans},}${1}"
+ fi
+ shift
+ done
+ # Create host directory.
+ mkdir -p "${BOXCONF_CA_DIR}/${hostname}"
+ # Create a config file for the server certificate.
+ cat > "${BOXCONF_CA_DIR}/${hostname}/${certname}.cnf" <<EOF
+[ req ]
+req_extensions = v3_req
+distinguished_name = req_distinguished_name
+prompt = no
+[ v3_req ]
+basicConstraints = critical,CA:FALSE
+extendedKeyUsage = serverAuth
+subjectAltName = ${sans}
+[ req_distinguished_name ]
+CN = ${cn}
+ # Generate and sign the certificate.
+ _pki_sign "${hostname}/${certname}" "${days:-}"
+ # Create a client certificate keypair.
+ while getopts :d: opt; do
+ case $opt in
+ d) days=$OPTARG ;;
+ :|?) usage ;;
+ esac
+ done
+ shift $((OPTIND - 1 ))
+ [ $# -ge 3 ] || usage
+ hostname=$1; certname=$2; dn=$3
+ shift 3
+ [ -e "${BOXCONF_CA_DIR}/${hostname}/${certname}.cnf" ] && die "certificate already exists: ${hostname}/${certname}"
+ _pki_get_ca_password
+ _boxconf_get_vault_password
+ # Generate the SAN list.
+ if [ $# -gt 0 ]; then
+ sans=$1; shift
+ while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
+ sans="${sans}, ${1}"
+ shift
+ done
+ fi
+ # Create host directory.
+ mkdir -p "${BOXCONF_CA_DIR}/${hostname}"
+ # Create a config file for the client certificate.
+ cat > "${BOXCONF_CA_DIR}/${hostname}/${certname}.cnf" <<EOF
+[ req ]
+req_extensions = v3_req
+distinguished_name = req_distinguished_name
+prompt = no
+[ v3_req ]
+basicConstraints = critical,CA:FALSE
+extendedKeyUsage = clientAuth
+${sans:+subjectAltName = $sans}
+[ req_distinguished_name ]
+$(_pki_dn2cnf "$dn")
+ # Generate and sign the certificate.
+ _pki_sign "${hostname}/${certname}" "${days:-}"
+ # Renew an existing certificate.
+ while getopts :d: opt; do
+ case $opt in
+ d) days=$OPTARG ;;
+ :|?) usage ;;
+ esac
+ done
+ shift $((OPTIND - 1 ))
+ [ $# -eq 2 ] || usage
+ [ -f "${BOXCONF_CA_DIR}/${1}/${2}.csr" ] || die "CSR does not exist: ${1}/${2}.csr"
+ _pki_renew "${1}/${2}" "${days:-}"
+[ $# -ge 1 ] || usage
+action=$1; shift
+for _bc_lib in "${BOXCONF_ROOT}/lib"/*; do
+ . "$_bc_lib"
+case $action in
+ init) pki_init "$@" ;;
+ server-cert|server|cert) pki_server "$@" ;;
+ client-cert|client) pki_client "$@" ;;
+ renew) pki_renew "$@" ;;
+ *) usage ;;