path: root/roles/freeipa_server/tasks
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'roles/freeipa_server/tasks')
4 files changed, 337 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/roles/freeipa_server/tasks/custom_schema.yml b/roles/freeipa_server/tasks/custom_schema.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e5bca0d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roles/freeipa_server/tasks/custom_schema.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+- name: create custom schema directory
+ file:
+ path: '{{ freeipa_custom_schema_dir }}'
+ state: directory
+ recurse: yes
+- name: copy jid schema
+ copy:
+ src: '{{ freeipa_custom_schema_dir[1:] }}/jid.ldif'
+ dest: '{{ freeipa_custom_schema_dir }}/jid.ldif'
+- name: check if JIDObject exists in schema
+ shell: ldapsearch -QLLL -s base -b cn=schema objectclasses | grep -q JIDObject
+ changed_when: no
+ failed_when: no
+ register: ldapsearch_jidobject
+- block:
+ - name: extend freeipa schema for JIDs
+ command: ipa-ldap-updater --schema-file '{{ freeipa_custom_schema_dir }}/jid.ldif'
+ - name: restart httpd
+ systemd:
+ name: httpd
+ state: restarted
+ when: ldapsearch_jidobject.rc != 0
+- name: add index to jid attribute
+ ldap_entry:
+ dn: 'cn=jid,cn=index,cn=userRoot,cn=ldbm database,cn=plugins,cn=config'
+ objectClass:
+ - top
+ - nsIndex
+ attributes:
+ cn: jid
+ nsSystemIndex: false
+ nsIndexType: eq
+ bind_dn: cn=Directory Manager
+ bind_pw: '{{ freeipa_ds_password }}'
+ server_uri: ldaps://{{ ipa_host }}
+ register: jid_index
+- name: regenerate indexes for jid attribute
+ ldap_entry:
+ dn: cn=jidindex,cn=index,cn=tasks,cn=config
+ objectClass:
+ - top
+ - extensibleObject
+ attributes:
+ cn: jidindex
+ nsInstance: userRoot
+ nsIndexAttribute: 'jid:eq'
+ bind_dn: cn=Directory Manager
+ bind_pw: '{{ freeipa_ds_password }}'
+ server_uri: ldaps://{{ ipa_host }}
+ when: jid_index.changed
+- name: add default user object classes
+ ldap_attrs:
+ dn: cn=ipaConfig,cn=etc,{{ freeipa_basedn }}
+ attributes:
+ ipaUserObjectClasses:
+ - mailRecipient
+ - JIDObject
+ state: present
+ bind_dn: cn=Directory Manager
+ bind_pw: '{{ freeipa_ds_password }}'
+ server_uri: ldaps://{{ ipa_host }}
+- name: add default group object classes
+ ldap_attrs:
+ dn: cn=ipaConfig,cn=etc,{{ freeipa_basedn }}
+ attributes:
+ ipaGroupObjectClasses:
+ - mailRecipient
+ state: present
+ bind_dn: cn=Directory Manager
+ bind_pw: '{{ freeipa_ds_password }}'
+ server_uri: ldaps://{{ ipa_host }}
+- name: allow read access to custom user attributes
+ ipapermission:
+ ipaadmin_principal: '{{ ipa_user }}'
+ ipaadmin_password: '{{ ipa_pass }}'
+ name: 'System: Read User Addressbook Attributes'
+ attrs:
+ - mailAlternateAddress
+ - jid
+ action: member
+ state: present
+- name: allow read access to custom group attributes
+ ipapermission:
+ ipaadmin_principal: '{{ ipa_user }}'
+ ipaadmin_password: '{{ ipa_pass }}'
+ name: 'System: Read Groups'
+ attrs:
+ - mail
+ - mailAlternateAddress
+ action: member
+ state: present
diff --git a/roles/freeipa_server/tasks/main.yml b/roles/freeipa_server/tasks/main.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1dd6eaa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roles/freeipa_server/tasks/main.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+- name: install freeipa pacakges
+ dnf:
+ name: '{{ freeipa_packages }}'
+ state: present
+# Disabling this until they figure out this bug. I don't use containers,
+# so the kernel KEYRING ccache is just fine.
+# https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=2035496
+- name: uninstall sssd-kcm
+ dnf:
+ name: sssd-kcm
+ state: absent
+ notify: restart sssd
+- name: open firewall ports
+ firewalld:
+ service: '{{ item }}'
+ permanent: yes
+ immediate: yes
+ state: enabled
+ loop:
+ - dns
+ - freeipa-ldap
+ - freeipa-ldaps
+ - freeipa-trust
+ - freeipa-replication
+ tags: firewalld
+- include_tasks:
+ file: "{{ 'master' if (freeipa_master == inventory_hostname) else 'replica' }}.yml"
+- name: copy bind configuration
+ template:
+ src: etc/named/ipa-options-ext.conf.j2
+ dest: /etc/named/ipa-options-ext.conf
+ notify: restart freeipa
+- name: send sssd logs to journald
+ lineinfile:
+ create: yes
+ path: /etc/sysconfig/sssd
+ regexp: ^DEBUG_LOGGER=
+ line: DEBUG_LOGGER=--logger=journald
+ notify: restart sssd
+- name: check if rsyslog is installed
+ stat:
+ path: /etc/rsyslog.d
+ register: rsyslog_conf_dir
+- name: log krb5 to rsyslog
+ lineinfile:
+ path: /etc/krb5.conf
+ insertafter: '^\[logging\]$'
+ firstmatch: yes
+ regexp: '^\s*{{ item }}\s*='
+ line: ' {{ item }} = SYSLOG:INFO:DAEMON'
+ loop:
+ - kdc
+ - admin_server
+ notify: restart freeipa
+- name: log freeipa files to rsyslog
+ template:
+ src: etc/rsyslog.d/freeipa.conf.j2
+ dest: /etc/rsyslog.d/freeipa.conf
+ notify: restart rsyslog
+ when: rsyslog_conf_dir.stat.exists
+- name: log samba to rsyslog
+ lineinfile:
+ path: /etc/samba/smb.conf
+ insertafter: '^\[global\]$'
+ firstmatch: yes
+ regexp: '^\s*logging\s*='
+ line: 'logging = syslog@2'
+ notify: restart samba
diff --git a/roles/freeipa_server/tasks/master.yml b/roles/freeipa_server/tasks/master.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..34d1442
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roles/freeipa_server/tasks/master.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+- name: initialize freeipa server
+ command: >
+ ipa-server-install
+ --unattended
+ --realm={{ freeipa_realm }}
+ --domain={{ freeipa_domain }}
+ --ds-password={{ freeipa_ds_password | quote }}
+ --admin={{ freeipa_admin_password | quote }}
+ --hostname={{ ansible_fqdn }}
+ --ip-address={{ ansible_default_ipv4.address }}
+ --no-host-dns
+ --idstart={{ freeipa_idstart }}
+ --idmax={{ freeipa_idmax }}
+ --setup-dns
+ {% for forwarder in freeipa_dns_forwarders %}
+ --forwarder {{ forwarder }}
+ {% endfor %}
+ --forward-policy=only
+ --no-ntp
+ --no-hbac-allow
+ args:
+ creates: /etc/ipa/default.conf
+- name: initialize AD trust (for smb)
+ command: >
+ ipa-adtrust-install
+ --unattended
+ --add-sids
+ --netbios-name={{ freeipa_workgroup }}
+ --admin-name=admin
+ --admin-password={{ freeipa_admin_password | quote }}
+ args:
+ creates: /etc/samba/samba.keytab
+- name: set default password policy
+ community.general.ipa_pwpolicy:
+ ipa_user: '{{ ipa_user }}'
+ ipa_pass: '{{ ipa_pass }}'
+ maxpwdlife: '{{ freeipa_maxpwdlife }}'
+ minpwdlife: '{{ freeipa_minpwdlife }}'
+ historylength: '{{ freeipa_historylength }}'
+ minclasses: '{{ freeipa_minclasses }}'
+ minlength: '{{ freeipa_minlength }}'
+ maxfailcount: '{{ freeipa_maxfailcount }}'
+ failinterval: '{{ freeipa_failinterval }}'
+ lockouttime: '{{ freeipa_lockouttime }}'
+- name: set admin user's password expiration date
+ ipauser:
+ ipaadmin_principal: '{{ ipa_user }}'
+ ipaadmin_password: '{{ ipa_pass }}'
+ name: admin
+ passwordexpiration: '{{ freeipa_admin_password_expiration }}'
+- name: set global freeipa configuration
+ ipaconfig:
+ ipaadmin_principal: '{{ ipa_user }}'
+ ipaadmin_password: '{{ ipa_pass }}'
+ emaildomain: '{{ freeipa_email_domain }}'
+ defaultshell: '{{ freeipa_default_login_shell }}'
+- name: create HBAC services for system-level services
+ ipahbacsvc:
+ ipaadmin_principal: '{{ ipa_user }}'
+ ipaadmin_password: '{{ ipa_pass }}'
+ name: '{{ item }}'
+ description: '{{ item }}'
+ state: present
+ loop: '{{ freeipa_system_services }}'
+- name: create HBAC rule for system-level services
+ ipahbacrule:
+ ipaadmin_principal: '{{ ipa_user }}'
+ ipaadmin_password: '{{ ipa_pass }}'
+ name: whitelisted_system_services
+ description: Always allow authentication to system-level services
+ usercategory: all
+ hostcategory: all
+ hbacsvc: '{{ freeipa_system_services }}'
+- name: get admin kerberos ticket
+ command:
+ cmd: kinit -fpa {{ ipa_user }}
+ stdin: '{{ ipa_pass }}'
+ changed_when: false
+- include_tasks: custom_schema.yml
+- name: generate clientAuth certificate profile
+ template:
+ src: etc/pki/caIPAclientAuth.cfg.j2
+ dest: /etc/pki/caIPAclientAuth.cfg
+ register: freeipa_clientauth_config
+- name: import clientAuth certificate profile
+ shell:
+ cmd: >
+ ipa certprofile-import caIPAclientAuth
+ --file /etc/pki/caIPAclientAuth.cfg
+ --desc 'Profile for client authentication'
+ --store TRUE
+ when: freeipa_clientauth_config.changed
+- name: destroy kerberos ticket
+ command:
+ cmd: kdestroy
+ changed_when: false
+- name: create automount maps
+ ipaautomountmap:
+ ipaadmin_principal: '{{ ipa_user }}'
+ ipaadmin_password: '{{ ipa_pass }}'
+ name: '{{ item }}'
+ location: default
+ state: present
+ loop: '{{ freeipa_automount_maps }}'
+- name: create automount keys
+ ipaautomountkey:
+ ipaadmin_principal: '{{ ipa_user }}'
+ ipaadmin_password: '{{ ipa_pass }}'
+ location: default
+ mapname: '{{ item.map }}'
+ key: '{{ item.key }}'
+ info: '{{ item.info }}'
+ state: present
+ loop: '{{ freeipa_automount_keys }}'
+- name: create /home automount key
+ ipaautomountkey:
+ ipaadmin_principal: '{{ ipa_user }}'
+ ipaadmin_password: '{{ ipa_pass }}'
+ location: default
+ mapname: auto.master
+ key: /home
+ info: auto.home
+ state: "{{ 'present' if freeipa_nfs_homedirs else 'absent' }}"
+ when: freeipa_nfs_homedirs
diff --git a/roles/freeipa_server/tasks/replica.yml b/roles/freeipa_server/tasks/replica.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5b6b296
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roles/freeipa_server/tasks/replica.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+- name: initialize freeipa replica
+ command: >
+ ipa-replica-install
+ --unattended
+ --realm={{ freeipa_realm }}
+ --domain={{ freeipa_domain }}
+ --principal=admin
+ --admin-password={{ freeipa_admin_password | quote }}
+ --hostname={{ ansible_fqdn }}
+ --ip-address={{ ansible_default_ipv4.address }}
+ --no-host-dns
+ --setup-ca
+ --setup-dns
+ --setup-adtrust
+ {% for forwarder in freeipa_dns_forwarders %}
+ --forwarder {{ forwarder }}
+ {% endfor %}
+ --no-ntp
+ args:
+ creates: /etc/ipa/default.conf