

FreeIPA authentication plugin for Tiny Tiny RSS

What is this?

This plugin authenticates users within the local FreeIPA domain.

It provides both "Single Sign-On" capability through integration with a GSSAPI/Kerberos-enabled webserver, as well as standard authentication using LDAP binds against the domain's LDAP servers.

This plugin requires php-ldap compiled with SASL support. Check phpinfo() to verify you have a compatible version. In addition, the PHP process needs access to kerberos credentials in order to perform LDAP queries (see below).

This plugin has been used successfully in the following environments:

  • Rocky Linux 8 with Apache 2.4 and PHP 7.4
  • Rocky Linux 9 with Apache 2.4 and PHP 8.0

Also, I've never written PHP before. Caveat emptor.

Configuration Options

The following configuration parameters are supported in config.php:

 * These parameters are optional. If unspecified, autodiscovery will be used.

 * If specified, access is only granted to members of at least one of the provided
 * groups. Takes a list of group names.

 * If specified, admin privileges are granted to members of at least one of the
 * provided groups. Takes a list of group names. Changes are only applied on login.

Apache Configuration

The following apache configuration provides SSO for the TT-RSS web login endpoint, and standard authentication for everything else:

<LocationMatch "^/(index.php)?$">
  <If "%{QUERY_STRING} != 'noext=1'">
    AuthType GSSAPI
    AuthName "FreeIPA Single Sign-On"
    Require valid-user
    # if no kerberos ticket, redirect to TT-RSS login page
    ErrorDocument 401 /index.php?noext=1

Note that performing a GSSAPI negotiation for every single HTTP request is extremely slow, so you want to limit it to the login page only.

Apache needs a keytab for HTTP/ttrss.example.com, and PHP needs a kerberos ticket to perform LDAP queries. The following gssproxy.conf snippet is sufficient (this also works for kerberized postgres queries):

mechs = krb5
cred_store = client_keytab:/var/lib/gssproxy/clients/ttrss.keytab
euid = apache

mechs = krb5
cred_store = keytab:/var/lib/gssproxy/clients/httpd.keytab
euid = apache
program = /usr/sbin/httpd

Be sure to export GSS_AUTH_PROXY=yes for your httpd and php-fpm daemons:

# /etc/systemd/system/httpd.service.d/override.conf

# /etc/php-fpm.d/www.conf
env[GSS_USE_PROXY] = yes

If you're not using gssproxy, you'll need the usual KRB5_KTNAME and KRB5_CLIENT_KTNAME with appropriate permissions.

You'll also need the following if SELinux is enabled:

setsebool -P httpd_can_connect_ldap on